White Button Pearls

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White Button Pearls


White Button Pearls are a classic look, and these mostly white ones are 17 inches long and are finished with Delica Glass spacer beads and a Gold Filled Toggle clasp. They are June's birthstone, but truly, everyone can wear Pearls!

These can look fancy with a special outfit, but you can also wear them with a t-shirt and jeans!

charmsoflight.com remarks, "Pearl signifies faith, charity and innocence. It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. Pearl symbolises purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. Inhibits boisterous behaviour.

Pearl treats digestive disorders and the soft organs of the body. It relieves conditions of bloating and biliousness. Pearl increases fertility and eases childbirth."

Lovely. Simple. Classic. Add these to your jewelry wardrobe for years of enjoyment!

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