Summer, 3 Strand gemstone necklace

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Summer, 3 Strand gemstone necklace


Summer is my salute to the flowers of the season! My Lavender, Marigolds, Carrots flowers and Calendula are in full bloom right now. This necklace has Amethyst, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Cultured Yellow Pearls, Golden Cream Quartz, and Peridot. I used Delica Glass spacer beads and a Sterling Silver toggle clasp to finish the 3 strands. The shortest Peridot strand is 16 inches long and the Golden Cream Quartz and Pearl longest strand is 18 1/2 inches long.

Amethyst is February's birthstone and Peridot is the birthstone for August. Citrine is sometimes used to replace Topaz for November's birthstone.

firemountaingems says, "As a member of the quartz family (like citrine), yellow "jade"/butter quartz is used by crystal practitioners for many of the same uses as other quartz stones. It is said to be a stone of wisdom, helping users to learn from their experiences and gain self-confidence. Yellow as a color also symbolizes warmth and joy. This stone is also believed to affect the digestive system and increase the metabolism." "Peridot, the birthstone for the month of August, is also given in celebration of the 16th year of marriage. Known as the stone of compassion, peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. This friendly bright green stone also has the uncanny ability to inspire eloquence and creativity; it also brings delight and good cheer. It attracts love and calms anger by giving renewal to all things." states, "Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. It destroys malignant tumours and aids in tissue regeneration. Cleanses the blood. Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension. It reduces bruising, swellings, injuries, and treats hearing disorders. Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract."

"Pearl signifies faith, charity and innocence. It enhances personal integrity and helps to provide a focus to ones attention. Pearl symbolises purity and is known as a “stone of sincerity”. It brings truth to situations and loyalty to a “cause”. Inhibits boisterous behaviour.

Pearl treats digestive disorders and the soft organs of the body. It relieves conditions of bloating and biliousness. Pearl increases fertility and eases childbirth."

"Citrine energises every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalises the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing.

Energising and recharging, Citrine also reverses degenerative disease and helps balance chemical imbalances in the body. Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, it stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. Relieves constipation and removes cellulite."

"Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies."

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