SOLD!!! Subtle Sunset, 2 strand necklace

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SOLD!!! Subtle Sunset, 2 strand necklace


SOLD!!! Subtle Sunset is inspired by the Orange Sodalite focal drop and the sweet light orange sunset I saw the other night. I used Orange Sodalite "coins" in the long strand that is 17 3/4 inches and Peach Moonstone and Sunstone in the shorter 17 inch long strand. Delica Glass spacer beads are used throughout Subtle Sunset. The clasp is a Silver filled toggle.

My research has been very interesting, and helped me realize what a powerful necklace Subtle Sunset can be!

According to, "Sunstone is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energises all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence. Encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers.

Sunstone treats chronic sore throats, reduces stomach tension and relieves ulcers. It treats cartilage and spinal problems."

As per, "Typically, Orange Sodalite is identified by a strong orange fluorescence and a deep blue color. There are times the stone will showcase a violet tint. The opaque deposits have patches or white veins that run across them and contain calcite. Transparent crystals are quite rare. Sodalite can occur in violet, blue, yellow, gray, colorless, or orange.

Sunset Sodalite is a combination of Sunstone (Orange Feldspar) and traditional Sodalite. The mineral is fairly new and also known as Orange Sodalite. Orange Feldspar crosses the surface of the Sodalite, making it appear beautiful with orange spider web patterns. Sunset Sodalite is popular for confidence, strength, and clarity.

Sodalite is a typical truth stone that will enable your subconscious and conscious mind to connect with your feelings and thoughts. The stone will help you verbalize and recognize your truths and feelings. Sodalite will allow you to cover those negative traits you dislike in you and help you accept and acknowledge them without harshly judging yourself.

Sodalite will empower the release of guilt and core fears and discharge any negative thoughts you may be having. It will help create an insightful mind in you to help you attain inner peace. The stone kindles self-trust and self-acceptance.

Sodalite unites intuition and logic in the spiritual world. The stone encourages deep thinking and spirituality. Sodalite will act as a guide to your inner travels through dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and meditation. By calmly presenting symbolic imagery and ideas from the subconscious, the gemstone will stimulate your thoughts and allow subtle feelings to come from your core. Sodalite will promote multi-leveled understanding and allow you to tell your truth.

This gemstone is a typical grounding tool for spiritual, inspirational, and metaphysical writings. Sodalite resonates perfectly with numerologists, astrologers, and tarot readers." says, "A Crown Chakra crystal, Moonstone has long been the stone of love, fertility, intuition, magic, protection, hope, and spiritual purity. Moonstone calms and encourages as it teaches us the natural rhythms of life, opens the heart to empathy, and assists in the acceptance of love.

Moonstone is said to increase our sensitivity to the Feminine Divine, to heighten intuition, and to open us up to our psychic gifts. It encourages hope and inspiration to allow us to wish, aspire, and flow in harmony with our dreams. It opens us to serendipity and synchronicity. Moonstone is said to induce restful sleep, and aid in lucid dreaming."

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