New Mexico Swirl, 3 strand necklace

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New Mexico Swirl, 3 strand necklace


SOLD!!! New Mexico Swirl is a 3 strand necklace with an incredible Turquoise drop that reminds me of the swirling winds in the southwest! I used 4 flat round Chrysocolla beads, Black Obsidian semi-rounds, Black Spinel facets, Turquoise chips and that awesome Turquoise drop with lots of matrix in it! There are Delica Glass spacer beads used and it's finished with a silver filled toggle clasp. The shortest strand is 17 inches and the longest one is 20 inches not including the drop.

This is truly a statement piece and is definitely one of a kind! If you want to celebrate the power of December's birthstone, this Turquoise combination is for you!

Some believe that those who wear Turquoise receive the Wisdom of the Ancient Ones! says, "The beauty and history of turquoise is hard to match! Steeped in history and intrigue, it is truly a captivating stone. It has been used in religion, art, trade, treaty negotiations and of course as treasured jewelry to many kingdoms and peoples. Whether you study ancient Egyptians, Chinese Dynasties, Aztec Mythology or Native American people, it seems clear that turquoise has always been and always will be considered a stone of life, beauty and good fortune.

Turquoise is one of the official birthstones for the month of December, and is heralded as the stone of communication. It encourages enthusiasm, thus inspiring new projects and bringing to light undiscovered artistic abilities. Turquoise also provides understanding and encourages attention to detail while attracting prosperity and success.

The sprawling lines of coppery matrix provide a large amount of energy to its wearer. This may be one reason why the stone has long been prized as a powerful talisman with healing properties. It is believed that turquoise can help balance the blue throat chakra, enhancing the ability to communicate while increasing resistance to viruses, helping to relieve sore throats and allergies."

"Chrysocolla is the gentlest of stones. It's not a high-energy stone like quartz, rutilated quartz, or smoky quartz and--unlike malachite, azurite and lapis--it doesn't bring buried emotions to the surface. Its main role is to soothe, calm and inspire. Its color alone is soothing with a deep blue-green which might remind you of a distant mountaintop or the stillness at the bottom of the sea.

For thousands of years, chrysocolla has been known throughout the world as a stone of calming reconciliation and reassurance. In ancient Egypt, it was called the "wise stone" because it shielded and encouraged the mind during negotiations. Those who wore it generally came up with clever compromises and resolutions. This stone also has the ability to help people who are violent to become more sensitive and tolerant which is why, as an ambassador, Cleopatra wore chrysocolla jewelry everywhere she went.

Chrysocolla, with associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a healing stone among Native American cultures where it has been used to strengthen the body's resistance to illness and emotional duress. It has also been used traditionally to bring about calm feelings where there is upset and can be used to purify a place or restore balance to a person.

Chrysocolla is not assigned to any particular month as a birthstone; however it's a wonderful stone to use in conjunction with turquoise in traditional December birthstone jewelry.

Chrysocolla has the ability to bring harmony, increase wisdom and guide you toward discretion. It promotes level headedness, encouraging clarity of thought and a neutral, calm attitude during turbulence by purifying the home, environment and the mind. Use it to decrease nervousness and irritability.

The history of Apache chrysocolla being used as a stone of gentle healing coincides with the stone’s history in other cultures. Legends originating in Tibet and Africa also tell of healings through the use of chrysocolla. It has often been called multi-colored turquoise and, until recently, was not considered a gemstone in its own right until it was cited as a semiprecious gem rock. Then it became a favored stone for jewelry symbolizing prosperity, luck and fortitude.

Chrysocolla is also a good choice to wear in order to alleviate difficulty expressing feelings or creativity. Chrysocolla should have its energies cleansed once a month by rinsing it under warm running water, and then placing it in a bowl overnight with a piece of genuine hematite to recharge it."

As per, "Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion. Helps you to know who you truly are. Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas. Promotes qualities of compassion and strength.

Obsidian aids the digestion and detoxifies. It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps. Warms the extremities." says of Black Spinel, "It’s a crystal for manifestation as well as inspiration. Introducing it into your everyday life could open your eyes to a world of untapped possibilities. Instead of living inside a box, Black Spinel encourages you to rise above your comfort and become the best version of yourself that you can.

An ultimate grounding stone, healers often utilize the properties of Black Spinel to wipe away the negativity that clouds your judgment. By cutting through the mental fog, you can evaluate your surroundings and find solutions you never realized existed. Whether those solutions are for specific problems or an overarching issue of reaching your potential, Black Spinel is there to help you find it.

This dark-colored stone is a fantastic choice for creativity, inspiring you to get out of ruts no matter how endless they might seem. Its meaning is about finding new directions and discovering ways to lead a fulfilling life.

Different cultures interpreted Black Spinel’s healing properties differently throughout history. But the modern consensus is that this black crystal works to keep you grounded while encouraging you to achieve your dreams by creative and inspirational means."

This is a powerful necklace in every sense of the word!

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