Lean and Green, Chrysoprase and Malay Jade Necklace

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Lean and Green, Chrysoprase and Malay Jade Necklace


SOLD!!! This is "Lean and Green", a 23 inch long Chrysoprase and Malay Jade necklace with Sterling Silver accents and a Sterling Silver heart shaped toggle clasp. The varied colors of green just make you think of Spring, St. Patrick's Day, good luck and prosperity!

According to charmsoflight.com, "Chrysoprase opens, activates and energizes the heart and sacral chakras, balances yin-yang energy, and brings Universal energy into the physical body. It induces deep meditative states, and imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole.

Chrysoprase promotes love of truth. It promotes hope, and encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. It stimulates creativity and draws out ones talents. Chrysoprase heals the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. It can mend a broken heart, heal relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones. Chrysoprase helps one to overcome compulsive or impulsive angry thoughts and behaviour, and turns your attention to positive events. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing co-dependence whilst supporting independence and encouraging commitment. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes and stimulates acceptance of oneself and others.

Chrysoprase is a strong detoxifying stone. It eliminates waste from the body, as well as the mind, by stimulating the liver and encouraging the body to rid itself of poisons. It is excellent for relaxation and promoting a peaceful night's sleep, reducing claustrophobia and preventing nightmares.

Chrysoprase balances the hormones and treats the reproductive organs, fertility problems, and guards against sexually transmitted diseases. It treats disorders of the lungs and thymus, and soothes the digestive system. Aids mental and physical illness and exhaustion. Treats skin diseases and disorders of the heart. Chrysoprase increases the assimilation of Vitamin C."

She also says, "Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are.

Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches. It assists fertility and childbirth. Jade balances body fluids."

These stones together create a wonderful healing duo that will not only help the wearer to feel their best, but to also look fantastic!

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