After the Sunset

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After the Sunset


Monsoons bring amazing colors to the clouds, the sunsets and the landscape. After one storm the other afternoon, the sky was lovely

After the Sunset. I named this necklace After the Sunset to celebrate those colors.

I used Orange Sodalite, Peach Moonstone, Yellow Iron Quartz and a Silver filled toggle clasp. The short strand is 17 1/2 inches long and the longest one is 20 inches long. This piece is versatile enough to wear with jeans and a t-shirt or with a pretty dress! says, "Sodalite treats the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids. Sodalite can also help to prevent insomnia." "Sodalite Deepens self-awareness & insight into one's own path. Enhances intuition & mental powers." according to comments, "Sodalite healing properties can purify the organs and make them more efficient and work to their fullest position. It helps boost your immune system and protects you from common sickness. If you are experiencing constipation, this stone is a helpful companion for good digestion and lowers high blood pressure."

According to, "The healing properties of Peach Moonstone have been used time and again for their amazing capacity to inspire love, acceptance, calmness, and passion. Peach Moonstone's healing properties have also made it a popular option for those looking to heal female health issues, promote fertility and provide protection during pregnancy and childbirth." It's also thought to " ...reignite your passion for the things that make you happy in this world." as per

Yellow Iron Quartz is also known as Golden Healer Quartz. says that it, "brings heartfelt joy, happiness, high energy, and overall energizing healing."

I know that the colors in the sky that night certainly brought me joy, happines and high energy, and I hope that this necklace will do that for you!

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