Desert Raincloud

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Desert Raincloud


Driving home under that ominous steely gray cloud the other day really made me pay attention to the contrast in colors. The desert landscape, not quite waking up yet, is still mostly tan and beige with occasional pops of green. That's my inspiration for "Desert Raincloud".

I used Labradorite rondelles, 5 green Apatite rondelles, Citrine teardrops, Picture Jasper rounds and facets , a few green Serpentine and a few Quartz Crystal beads to "paint" what I saw! The clasp is a silver filled toggle. The shortest Labradorite strand is 17 1/2 inches long and the longest strand is 20 1/2 inches long. states, "Citrine properties make it the best stone for creating your dreams, bringing positivity into all situations and amplifying the intentions of other jewelry and stones. The biggest obstacle we face is often ourselves." comments, "The peaceful and delightful healing properties of Green Apatite will aid you in appreciating the world around you and encourage your connection with nature."

According to, "Labradorite treats colds, gout, and rheumatism, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion. If you feel you have benefited in any way by the Gemstone & Crystal Healing Properties on this website, please consider making a donation, or investment, into keeping that information alive for your future use and for the use of others."

As per, "The emotional healing properties of Picture-Jasper will encourage inner journeying and inspire you to connect with sacred energies that reveal old secrets for a balanced life. This stone is believed to carry the energies of harmony, stability, and protection from all kinds of harm." says, "Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying stone there is. It has a unique helical, spiral crystalline form, which enables it to effortlessly absorb, store, release, and balance all kinds of vibrations' energies. When Quartz is used to coat the needles used in acupuncture, their effectiveness is increased by up to ten percent."

Finally, states, "Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life. Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia. It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium."

Amazing information! I was just "painting" what I saw!

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