Irises Under a Partly Cloudy Sky

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Irises Under a Partly Cloudy Sky


"Irises Under a Partly Cloudy Sky" is a 3 strand necklace inspired by my Granddaughter and my friend's Irises! My Granddaughter helped me pick out the colors and beads via FaceTime for this creation! My friend posted photos of her Irises on Instagram! I guess we could consider this one a Virtual Inspiration!

Amethyst in 2 shapes and colors represent those Irises. The partly cloudy sky is a combination of Apatite coin shaped beads, faceted Rainbow Moonstone Rondelles and faceted Quartz Crystal ovals.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February and is also considered an extremely powerful healing stone with the energies to protect you from negativity, block stress and improve both memory and motivation!

Apatite is considered a gemstone that can improve you knowledge of the truth while it aids those with arthritis.

Rainbow Moonstone is thought to be the stone that represents the Divine Feminine and it also protects you against negativity.

Quartz Crystals is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought as it also pulls negativity away.

This is a HAPPY necklace! It was created with love and on this Earth Day, I send that love to you!!!

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