Hidden Rubies

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Hidden Rubies


Hidden Rubies is a 2 strand necklace with Black Spinel and Rubies in Zoisite and it’s finished with a Sterling Silver slide and lock fancy clasp. It’s totally an Earth Element necklace. The shortest strand is 18 inches long and I’ve used Delica Glass Spacer beads at the ends of each strand. The subtle ruby peeks out every now and again from the green and black Zoisite making this necklace a little bit mysterious!

According to my research, “Black Spinel is a protective stone that repels negativity and grounds the user while evoking inspiration and empowerment, without overwhelming others. It is also thought to help one find calmness and let go of resentments to re-establish relationships and dispel sadness.” healingwithcrystals.net/au says, “Black spinel helps you release the past and clear your life of past negative emotions and associations so that you can more easily move forward into the future. It helps hoarders let go of excessive physical and emotional junk so that clarity of mind and energy can be achieved. It is also useful for those of you who are stuck in the grieving process or who feel that a past emotional trauma still rules their life. “

“Ruby in Zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It stimulates the heart and helps one to open to divine love. Zoisite helps to alleviate grief, anger, despair and defeat, and it is a powerful stone for deep healing by activating the body's defences and healing mechanisms.” charmsoflight.com comments regarding Ruby in Zoisite, also know as Anyolite, “Anyolite creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilise talents and abilities of the mind. It stimulates psychic abilities. Increases awareness of ones individuality. Anyolite instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life. It increases sexual activity, treating impotency and frigidity.

Anyolite improves circulation and quality of the blood, and heart disorders. It aids in recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.”

This little necklace is as powerful as it is lovely!

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