First Blue Ridge Snowfall, 3 strand necklace

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First Blue Ridge Snowfall, 3 strand necklace


First Blue Ridge Snowfall is a 3 strand necklace of Blue Apatite rondelles, Cultured white semi-round Pearls, 3mm round Moonstone and Turquoise. I used Delica Glass spacer beads and a Sterling Silver toggle clasp to finish this necklace. It's a celebration of the late October first snowfall on the mountain tops of the Blue Ridge and the Smokies! The shortest strand is 17 3/4 inches and the longest is 20 1/2 inches.

Pearls are June's birthstone and Turquoise is December's birthstone. These are both gemstones that we can all enjoy wearing, along with the Apatite and Moonstone!

As per, "Blue Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy, and negativity. This healing gem stimulates the intellect to expand our knowledge and gain an understanding of truth, gifts which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good." says, "Some healers use pearls to help balance body rhythms and hormone levels with lunar cycles, and to harmonize human beings with the natural world. The inner glow (orient) of pearls is thought to tap inner wisdom and nurture love. Pearls are also believed to signify innocence and faith.

Practitioners use pearls to enhance personal integrity, bring truth forward, grow sincerity, inhibit immodest behavior and advance in wisdom.

Natural pearls are still ground up and used in medicine and beauty treatments, as they are a source of pharamaceutical calcium and natural iridescence. They are thought to relieve bloating, increase fertility and ease childbirth."

"Named for its sheen, moonstone is the most well-known gemstone of the feldspar group. Beneath the soft shimmering surface of moonstone surges a deeper, lovelier beauty: a white "moon" that rolls over the stone when it rotates. The scientific term for the kind of shimmer--a moving floating light or sheen--that gives this stone its magical look is schiller or adularescence. The Romans thought moonstone was actually formed out of solidified moonlight. However, the shimmer comes from two types of feldspar growing into or weaving through each other as the crystal forms.

Moonstone, by its very name, has been connected to the moon and to the subconscious and unconscious. Wherever we go on Earth, the moon is with us, no matter where or how far our journey takes us--which is why it was a popular stone for protecting travelers. Moonstone is also believed to encourage lucid dreaming and promote emotional openness to new experience. This openness is part of how moonstone is thought to relieve stress--by calming the mind and soothing the spirit. Gem therapists and Ayurvedic doctors even use a specific form of moonstone (called godanti) to cure anxiety and strengthen the will.

White moonstone is affiliated with the crown chakra for spiritual or psychic experiences. Women are sometimes recommended to remove moonstone during the full moon.

This gem is an alternate birthstone for June, popular with Geminis and Cancers. It is considered a birthstone for June in Tibetan lore and for September in Ayurvedic healing."

"Turquoise is one of the official birthstones for the month of December, and is heralded as the stone of communication. It encourages enthusiasm, thus inspiring new projects and bringing to light undiscovered artistic abilities. Turquoise also provides understanding and encourages attention to detail while attracting prosperity and success.

The sprawling lines of coppery matrix provide a large amount of energy to its wearer. This may be one reason why the stone has long been prized as a powerful talisman with healing properties. It is believed that turquoise can help balance the blue throat chakra, enhancing the ability to communicate while increasing resistance to viruses, helping to relieve sore throats and allergies."

This is a statement necklace that can really dress up any outfit!

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