Butterfly Bush, 3 strand necklace

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Butterfly Bush, 3 strand necklace


My Butterfly Bush plant had lovely purple clusters of tiny flowers all summer, and now that fall has arrived, there a just a few faded lavender flowers amidst the green leaves. This is a "portrait" of that plant! Butterfly Bush is a 3 strand necklace with Chrysoprase rondelles, Fluorite rounds, Green Aventurine in 2 shapes and hues and Goshenite facetes. I used Delica Glass spacer beads and a fancy silver filled slide and lock clasp. The shortest strand is 16 1/2 inches long and the longest is 20 inches long.

Green is the color of growth, healing and prosperity. charmsoflight.com states, "Chrysoprase opens, activates and energizes the heart and sacral chakras, balances yin-yang energy, and brings Universal energy into the physical body. It induces deep meditative states, and imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole.

Chrysoprase promotes love of truth. It promotes hope, and encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. It stimulates creativity and draws out ones talents. Chrysoprase heals the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. It can mend a broken heart, heal relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones. Chrysoprase helps one to overcome compulsive or impulsive angry thoughts and behavior, and turns your attention to positive events. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing co-dependence whilst supporting independence and encouraging commitment. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes and stimulates acceptance of oneself and others.

Chrysoprase is a strong detoxifying stone. It eliminates waste from the body, as well as the mind, by stimulating the liver and encouraging the body to rid itself of poisons. It is excellent for relaxation and promoting a peaceful night's sleep, reducing claustrophobia and preventing nightmares.

Chrysoprase balances the hormones and treats the reproductive organs, fertility problems, and guards against sexually transmitted diseases. It treats disorders of the lungs and thymus, and soothes the digestive system. Aids mental and physical illness and exhaustion. Treats skin diseases and disorders of the heart. Chrysoprase increases the assimilation of Vitamin C."

"Fluorite cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

Fluorite boosts the immune system and stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain."

"Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses. It stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Promotes feelings of well-being. Aventurine balances male-female energy. It encourages regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution.

Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems."

According to firemountaingems.com, "Goshenite is believed to develop practical thought when making decisions, helping one see an argument from all angles and then take appropriate action. Goshenite is thought to be a gemstone that encourages truthfulness in all words and actions. Metaphysical beliefs hold that Goshenite promotes self-control, creativity and originality. Goshenite is a gemstone that is said to facilitate communication and resolves relationship misunderstandings.

Goshenite opens the crown and etheric chakras to stimulating the mental centers. Goshenite is not a birthstone, but is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini."

Although I was "painting" a portraint with gemstones, I seem to have created a very powerful healing necklace too!

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