Aqua Sky 2 strand necklace

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Aqua Sky 2 strand necklace


Aqua Sky is a 2 strand necklace with Amazonite flat round beads in ombre tones and 3 sizes of Apatite beads. Aqua Sky is finished with Delica Glass spacer beads and a silver filled round toggle clasp. The short strand is 19 inches long and the longer one is 20 1/8 inches long. This is a great necklace for any skin tone.

As per, "Thanks to a magical combination of lead and water within its feldspar structure, the Amazonite crystal and its dazzling emerald hue and mottled light-green specs echo the color of the Amazon River and its calming and soothing energies. Hold tight to the Amazonite crystal properties during times of stress and call on its ultra chill vibes for a much-needed float down your inner river of tranquility. The serene energy of this stone makes Amazonite a powerful heart chakra stone, helping to release toxic emotions and other unwanted energy from your heart space.

In addition to its “go-with-the-flow” energy and connection to the heart chakra, the Amazonite crystal healing properties are also associated with the throat chakra, the center of communication and expression. By balancing and clearing this energy center, Amazonite can also be used as a powerful throat chakra stone stone to support communication."

"Give in to the inspirational qualities of the Apatite crystal stone and encourage a peaceful respite from the confusion that comes from "adulting" in the modern world. The Apatite crystal stone helps to reawaken a sense of clarity that lights the path to self-expression. It gives us the guidance we need to maintain the delicate balancing act between following our dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. Made from a common group of minerals containing a calcium phosphate base, Apatite reminds us that truly knowing oneself is the key to opening up the doors of the universe, a place where anything is possible.

Speaking of possibilities…Here’s the game changer in harnessing the full potential of Apatite. Create a daily meditation ritual with a specific intention or goal in mind. Apatite is particularly useful because it works to magnify and strengthen your intention, giving you the clarity of mind necessary for deepening your focus and spiritual awareness.

Begin your journey with Apatite by first creating a sacred space that’s conducive to healing. That means ... returning to nature with a sage smudge stick or Palo Santo wood. The Native Americans have used these natural energy purifiers in their cleansing rituals for thousands of years as a way to stay connected to nature and its life-giving elements. Start by smudging your Apatite stone to cleanse it of negative energy that can accumulate over time. Healing crystals act like a sponge, soaking up bad vibes, so it’s important to cleanse them often. Fully envelope your crystal with sage smoke and then give it a specific intention, putting it to work for you whenever you call on it.

Setting an intention is an excellent way to access the Apatite stone benefits because it aligns the mind with a specific goal. Start your therapeutic session by sitting quietly with the stone and letting go of any negative thoughts or grudges that rise to the surface. Meditation practice also provides an opportunity to take stock of your current mind-body-spirit status because it encourages peaceful contemplation. Breathe in healing energy and exhale the negativity. It’s that simple, especially with the vibrant energy of Apatite reinvigorating your appetite for life."

It seems that this pretty necklace has great beneficial potential! It's beautiful and powerful.

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