Partly Cloudy Santa Fe

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Partly Cloudy Santa Fe


These partly cloudy days are very magical! The contrast between the brilliant blues in the sky and the wispy white clouds against the mountains and desert landscape is magnificent! That's the inspirations for "Partly Cloudy Santa Fe"!

I used Blue Apatite facets and "coins" alternating with faceted Rainbow Moonstone in the shortest 18 inch long strand and the middle strand. The longest strand has the addition of Turquoise "barrels" and 2 Snow Quartz beads at the very end that represent the little snow caps on the mountain tops in the distance.

I used a fancy silver filled slide and lock clasp to finish the piece. The longest strand is 20 1/2 inches long.

Turquoise is December's birthstone, and is a stone that looks great on every skin tone! It's said to bring in the wisdom of the Ancient ones to those who wear it! says, "Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain. Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts." According to, "The Turquoise crystal properties are connected to the healing energy of water, the life-giving element that sustains the planet and the origins of life itself. This energy of renewal and rejuvenation is what gives the Turquoise crystal its unique ability to support healing intentions and overall well-being." says, "Rainbow Moonstone’s energies activate and align all our chakras to allow energy to flow freely. It's a very soothing stone with outputting vibrations full of calming and relaxing energy. This powerful crystal connects with one’s emotional body and current mental state." states, "Rainbow Moonstone allows the Crown Chakra to open and bring in loving white healing energies that will flow through us to the very core of our being. Rainbow Moonstone helps us to remember our true nature. In general, Moonstone is associated with the Moon and thus is a wonderfully helpful stone for women." states that, "Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells. It improves arthritis and joint problems. Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating."

This necklace is a great year round addition to any wardrobe!

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