New Jade

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New Jade


New Jade (Serpentine), Peridot Jasper and Sage Pearl bracelet is finished with Delica Glass Spacer beads and a Sterling Silver toggle clasp.

According to "Properties Jasper was popular in the ancient world for its medicinal and spiritual values, and has been used for centuries by cultures around the world for its unique properties. Legend has it that jasper would drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites." says, "Channel the Peridot crystal healing properties with a daily meditation session in your sacred space. Borrowing from the Native American tradition used for thousands of years, cleanse your environment and crystals with a smudging ritual using a sage stick."

"New jade is also known as Serpentine, it assists to soothe the emotional body, release fear of change and hardship helping us to look to the future with a positive outlook. It contains the history of the Earth, the fairy domains and Devic realms of the planet." so says

Again,referring to, "Some healers use pearls to help balance body rhythms and hormone levels with lunar cycles, and to harmonize human beings with the natural world. The inner glow (orient) of pearls is thought to tap inner wisdom and nurture love. Pearls are also believed to signify innocence and faith."

Green is said to be the color of growth and prosperity. This little bracelet has 3 different shades of green!

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